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Update concerning language regime for open competitions

Update concerning language regime for open competitions

by Admin User -
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Following the recent judgements of the General Court in cases T-275/13 (EPSO/AD/249/13), T-295/13 (EPSO/AD/177-178-179/10 (re-runs) and T-510/13 (of EPSO/AD/260-261-262-263-264-265-266/13), as well as T-124/12 and T-191/13 concerning the language regime for open competitions, the European Institutions are currently examining and addressing issues related to the use of language in procedures to select EU staff.

Pending this review, the EPSO Management Board, comprising all EU Institutions, has decided on a series of modifications to the planning of EPSO’s selection procedures for 2016. This concerns primarily the AD 2016 generalist competition, which has been postponed until later in 2016. However, in order to meet their urgent recruitment needs, the Management Board has asked EPSO to proceed with the publication of specialist competitions (eg. Linguistic assistants, Auditors, Lawyer Linguists: Court of Justice). In addition, the competitions for translators, originally foreseen for summer 2016, will now be probably published this spring.

This inevitably means some unavoidable changes to the scheduling of competitions in 2016. EPSO will continue to keep you informed of updates to this year’s planning.